Help: Miscellaneous


What's New

Any text entered on this tab will be displayed at the top of the What's New page in the public area. Use this feature if you would like to provide your visitors with a general site update or other timely information. Click on the Test link to display the What's New page with your message at the top.


Most Wanted

The Most Wanted tab allows you to add elusive people and mystery photos to a Most Wanted page on your site, in hopes of getting more publicity for the things that are giving you the most trouble. See the Help: Most Wanted link for more information on how to build your Most Wanted page.


Data Validation

Here's where you can run a number of preconfigured reports to help you find possible problems in your information. Running each report will examine your database in real time and return a listing of people who might need some attention. You'll then be able to click through to those records and take a closer look.