Help: Chart Settings |
Pedigree Chart Initial DisplayThis option determines which pedigree format is initially displayed. When Standard is selected, all birth, marriage, and death/burial dates (when available) will be included in a hidden popup box. A photo of the individual is displayed if present. An image file (i.e., ArrowDown.gif) will be placed below the bottom center of the pedigree boxes wherever information is available, and the popup box will appear beneath the pedigree box when the Popup Event is triggered. The Compact format is similar to Standard, but the box size is greatly reduced, and no photos are displayed. When Box is selected, the standard information will appear in the pedigree boxes at all times. When Text Only is selected, a text-based version of the pedigree chart (no boxes or popup windows) will be shown first. The Vertical option will show the primary individual at the bottom, with the person's ancestors being displayed above them. The user will always have the option to switch among these display types after viewing the initial display. Max GenerationsThe maximum number of generations you will allow visitors to request at one time. Initial GenerationsThe number of generations that will be displayed to start with. If nothing is specified here, then this value will default to four. Popup SpousesIf popups are being used, checking this option will result in spouse links being included in popups. Default is not checked. Popup ChildrenIf popups are being used and Popup Spouses is checked, checking this option will result in children links being included in popups. Default is not checked. Popup Chart LinksIf popups are being used (and either Popup Spouses or Popup Kids has been checked), checking this option will cause links to pedigree chart pages to be included for spouses and children in popups. Default is on. Hide Empty BoxesSelect 'Yes' to remove unpopulated boxes from the chart. Box Width (w/o popups)Fixed width of all pedigree boxes (in pixels) when popup boxes are not in use. Default value is 211. If a number less than 21 is entered, 21 will be used. The number used will always be an odd number, so if an even number is entered, it will be increased by 1. Box Height (w/o popups)Height of all pedigree boxes (in pixels) when popup boxes are not in use, unless a non-zero boxheightshift is specified (see below), in which case Box Height is the height of the first pedigree box on the chart. Default value is 121. If a number less than 21 is entered, 21 will be used. The number used will always be an odd number, so if an even number is entered, it will be increased by 1. Box Alignment (w/o popups)The alignment of data appearing within the box when popup boxes are in use. Note: Dates and places will always be aligned left, but the block containing them will follow this alignment. Box Height Shift (w/o popups)The value by which the height of pedigree boxes should be altered for successive generations (in pixels) when popup boxes are not in use. This should be a negative number. Default value is -2. If zero is entered, no change in box sizes will occur. The number used will always be an even number, so if an odd number is entered, it will be increased by 1. Vertical ChartBox WidthThe width in pixels of each name box on the vertical chart. Box HeightThe height in pixels of each name box on this chart. SpacingThe horizontal distance in pixels between name boxes. Box Name SizeThe font size (in points) for names displayed on the vertical chart. |
Descendancy Chart Initial DisplayThis option determines which descendancy format is initially displayed. When Standard is selected, all birth and death/burial dates (when available) will be included in a hidden popup box. A photo of the individual is displayed if present. An image file (i.e., ArrowDown.gif) will be placed below the bottom center of the pedigree boxes wherever information is available, and the popup box will appear beneath the descendancy box when the Popup Event is triggered. The Compact format is similar to Standard, but the box size is greatly reduced, and no photos are displayed. When Text Only is selected, a text-based version of the descendancy chart (no boxes or popup windows) will be shown first. The Register format shows the same information in a narrative style. The user will always have the option to switch among these display types after viewing the initial display. Max GenerationsThe maximum number of generations you will allow visitors to request at one time. Initial GenerationsThe number of generations that will be displayed to start with. If nothing is specified here, then this value will default to four. Start DescendancyChoose to start the text-based descendancy chart with all generations expanded or collapsed. The user will always have the option to expand or collapse individual families. Show Notes on RegisterIndicates whether notes for individuals and families will be displayed on the Register page. Register GenerationsChoose to always show each person when displaying a generation, or avoid redundancy by electing to "Remove individuals with no family." That option will only display those individuals when they appear as children. They will not be redisplayed when their entire generation is outlined later in the report. |
Relationship Chart Initial RelationshipsWhen a new Relationship chart is requested, this is how many relationships TNG will try to find. As soon as that many relationships are found, the process will stop. If your tree contains no complicated relationships, you may want to set this to 1 in order to save processing time. Max RelationshipsIf the user believes that more relationships exist, they may want to increase the number of relationships TNG will try to find. This number represents to most relationships you will allow the program to search for. Try not to set it higher than the level of complexity in your tree. The lower this number is, the more time you will save people as they view this chart. For example, if only one relationship exists between two people but you are searching for five, TNG will continue searching in vain after the first relationship is found. Max GenerationsThe maximum number of generations you will allow visitors to search at one time on the Relationship page. This will also be the initial default on that page. |
Timeline Chart Starting chart widthThe initial width in pixels of the lifespan timeline. Visitors can change the width for themselves only at the top of the page. Enable Simile timelineAlong with the standard TNG timeline, you can also display a Simile timeline chart on the same page by choosing "Yes" here. More information on the Simile timeline chart can be found at Chart heightHeight in pixels of the event (Simile) timeline. If many events are charted at the same time, some could get pushed down off the chart's visible area. If that seems to be happening, it could help to increase this value. Events to includeControls which events will be dislayed on the event timeline. Choose to display all events, or only those that fall within the lifespans of the individuals on the chart. If you have a lot of events, choosing to display them all may cause the chart to be slighly slower in its initial display. Notes: If too many events are on the chart at once, those at the bottom will not be visible. If you have a lot of timeline events and this is a frequent occurrence, you might consider increasing the Chart Height (see above). More options are available in timelineconfig.php. |
Common Elements Left IndentHorizontal offset to be used for the entire pedigree chart (in pixels). This may be needed, for example, to ensure that the chart does not overlay any margin images, menus, or text that are in the left margin. Default value is 10. If a negative number is entered, 0 will be used. Box Name SizeThe size (in points) of all names on the chart. In no case will the font size be permitted to decrease to less than 7 points. Default value is 12 (72 points are in one inch). Box Date SizeThe size (in points) of other chart information (dates and places). In no case will the font size be permitted to decrease to less than 7 points. Default value is 10 (72 points are in one inch). Box ColorThe background color to be used in all pedigree boxes, unless a non-zero colorshift is specified, in which case this will define the background color of the first pedigree box on the chart. Default value is #CCCC99 (khaki; white is #FFFFFF). Color ShiftA percentage value that defines how the color values should be "shifted" up or down (towards white or towards black) over the range of all generations shown. The value entered should be between -100 and 100. If zero is entered, all pedigree boxes (except perhaps those that are empty see emptycolor) will have the same background color. The default value is 80, which means that box background color will fade 80% of the way from the original color to white as the boxes go from the first generation to the last generation displayed (negative values will fade toward black). Empty ColorThe background color to be used in all pedigree boxes for which no data exists. Default value is #CCCCCC (silver). Border ColorThe color to be used for the borders around pedigree boxes and the connector lines. Default is #000000 (black). Shadow ColorThe color to be used for shadows. Default value is #999999 (gray). Shadow OffsetThe offset to be used for including box and connector line shadows (in pixels). A negative number will result in shadows that are above, and to the left of boxes and lines. A positive number will result in shadows that are below, and to the right of boxes and lines. If the number entered is zero, the shadows will not be evident (as they will lie strictly below the boxes and lines. Default value is 4. Box Horizontal SeparationFixed horizontal separation between generations of pedigree boxes (in pixels). Default value is 31. If a number less than 7 is entered, 7 will be used. The number used will always be an odd number, so if an even number is entered, it will be increased by 1. Box Vertical SeparationVertical separation between generations of pedigree boxes (in pixels), unless a non-zero Box Height Shift is specified, in which case Box Vertical Separation is the fixed horizontal separation between boxes in the last displayed generation. Default value is 11. If a number less than 7 is entered, 7 will be used. The number used will always be an odd number, so if an even number is entered, it will be increased by 1. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the value may be increased, if necessary, to ensure there is room between pedigree boxes for shadows and additional information indicators. Default PDF Page SizeThe paper size that will be assumed for all PDF reports (visitors may change this before each report created). Line WidthWidth of lines connecting pedigree boxes (in pixels). Default value is 1. If a number less than 1 is entered, 1 will be used. Border WidthWidth of the border around pedigree boxes (in pixels). Default is 1. If a number less than 1 is entered, 1 will be used. Popup ColorThe background color used with popups boxes. If left blank, popup boxes will be one color shift removed from the box color. Default value is #DDDDDD (light gray). Popup Info SizeThe size (in points) of other chart information (dates and places) inside a popup. In no case will the font size be permitted to decrease to less than 7 points. Default value is 10 (72 points are in one inch). Popup TimerIf popups are being used, the number of milliseconds a popup should remain visible. Default value is 500 (1/2 second). There are two conditions that can modify the duration of a popup display. First, if another popup is requested, any previously visible popup is removed. Second, while the cursor is present over a visible popup, the timer defined here will not be used until the cursor is moved "out of" the popup. By this means, one can explicitly keep a popup visible for an indefinite period of time. Popup EventThe mouse event required to display the popup. This event is associated with the arrow indicating that additional information is available. If Mouse Down is selected, clicking on the arrow will display the popup. If Mouse Over is selected, the popup will be displayed when the mouse pointer is positioned over the arrow. Box Width (w/popups)Fixed width of all pedigree boxes (in pixels) when popup boxes are in use. Default value is 151. If a number less than 21 is entered, 21 will be used. The number used will always be an odd number, so if an even number is entered, it will be increased by 1. Box Height (w/popups)Height of all pedigree boxes (in pixels) when popup boxes are in use, unless a non-zero Box Height Shift is specified (see below), in which case Box Height is the height of the first pedigree box on the chart. Default value is 60. If a number less than 21 is entered, 21 will be used. The number used will always be an odd number, so if an even number is entered, it will be increased by 1. Box Alignment (w/popups)The alignment of data appearing within the box when popup boxes are not in use. Note: Dates and places will always be aligned left, but the block containing them will follow this alignment. Box Height Shift (w/popups)The value by which the height of pedigree boxes should be altered for successive generations (in pixels). This should be a negative number. Default value is -2. If zero is entered, no change in box sizes will occur. The number used will always be an even number, so if an odd number is entered, it will be increased by 1. Include PhotosIf this option is checked, thumbnail photos will be included in the pedigree boxes (when popups are used and the image file can be found -- see below). Default is not checked. |
Notes About Including Thumbnail Photos