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MARTIN, Leslie Vivian Mayo "Pincher" 1917-1998

    Leslie Vivian Mayo MARTIN born 02 Feb 1917 (Mother: MILLER) St. Thomas, Devon.

    Pincher never married. In 1997 he was living at 10 Methleigh Parc. Died 01 Jun 1998 Kerrier Coastguard Officer (Retired).

    EE: I remember Leslie "Pincher" Martin who was a coastguard and who had served in RN. Orig from Plymouth, an orphan, he joined at 14. Got to CPO rank. Was Fellow of Royal Institute of Linguists. Majored in Latin. Taught me Spanish and was a family friend. Lived first in coastguard houses out towards Tye Rock [Anson Cottages by the side of Ocean Crescent].Then in a bungalow in Methleigh Parc. Was a local "character". A key phrase of Pincher was "what a jamboree" followed by a hearty laugh!!

    TW: Pincher was a true intellectual Loved walking home from harbour or institute and seeing Lilly* and then Pincher cracking fun trying to keep up with their antics .

    TW: Lilly* was an eccentric maid who lived bit further down Methleigh Road from Pincher . Bless them we used to tease them rotten when we were kids [possibly Lilian Plumbridge? Of 22 Methleigh Parc ?]

    EE: Pincher told us that on one of his annual visits to London to attend the Royal Institute of Linguists' dinner he booked in, as was usual, to The Cumberland Hotel at Marble Arch. His room had a bed with a button which made it rock ... he pressed-it. After a while felt a bit sea-sick (ex RN and all that). He couldn't get bed to stop rocking so he slept on the floor!!


    I remember Pincher very well ..... he had a talent for languages. I also heard many stories about him (long forgotten). He had a Lambretta, or similar, and he said the only way he knew how to stop was to go up the verge!
    We to
    ok the children to the coastguard lookout when they were small and he showed them a large map of Mounts Bay, pointing out The Lizard and Landsend. Unfortunately the map was upside down so they were the wrong way round! He certainly was a local character and a kindly man. The policeman in Doc Martin reminds me of him in his blue van.