Page 36 - Duke of Edinburgh Visit 1958 - BOOK 2
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Porthleven Museum

                                                Our History

                                    A Community Project

                 Duke of Edinburgh’s Visit book 2

        This is a non profit making community project. The aim is not only to record Porthleven’s previous
        history but to encourage people to record village events as they happen. Our motto being ‘Tomorrow
        will make today history. Record it when it happens’
        With the help of volunteers to record our history or with you adding your own by registering on the
        ‘Your History’ website and creating your own records, there are no administration costs.

        To ensure there are no maintenance costs, we have gained the sponsored support of the following
        businesses who have kindly supplied web space and software applications helping us secure the on
        going future for our community project.

        We were very selective in our approach and we consider the following businesses to offer the best
        services, support and software available in their field anywhere in the world.

        We show our appreciation by listing them below and hope you will visit their sites and see why we
        consider them the best.

                                                       I first started working within the computer industry in
                                                       1971. Ever since I have kept up to date with IT. I have
                                                       used  Native Space, a UK company, for many years and
                                                       without  doubt  they  offer  an  excellent  service  with  a
                                                       support team second to none.

                                                       Flip  Builder  is  an  excellent  product  for  building
                                                       interactive documents, magazines, catalogues and
                                                       books. This business is located in China and we are
                                                       pleased to be able to recommend their products.

                                                       PHP  Jabbers  supply  the  right  tools  for  websites
                                                       producing a range of PHP scripts and tools. They offer
                                                       a variety of these free including website templates and
                                                       tools.  We  are  pleased  to  be  able  to  recommend  PHP
                                                       Jabbers products.

          We would like to thank Serif for their guidance and support with Page Plus X9 used to create the
          first stages of our e-book volumes

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