
  1. click to see video – A Bygone Day

2 Poem – In My Dreams

The place in my dreams
is in black and white
and soft-focus,
before the rain falls.

in a patterned dress,
with belt embracing waist,
and flowered net-spread gathers sailing to mid-calf,
a woman strides beside the harbour
chin up-tilted,
her joyous outstretched arms
propel a low-slung pushchair,
the child unseen below

no glimpse of girdle restraining
stockings suspended
twin-tub to be wheeled from the outhouse
eel-like tubes connected to a dripping tap
raw-fry tea to be cooked
gritty blue-black coal to be fetched
ashy grates to be cleaned
and salt-soaked socks to be darned.

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